A retold version of my Fanfiction, Digimon Rangers: Trilobyte. This time following kayden's point of view with some differences from the original story. This time we follow Kayden on his unusual journey and self discovery. 

Currently the Fanfiction is at Arc 2 with 30~ Chapters. It is available on Fanfiction net and Ao3 as free to read. It's still very much Ongoing strong! 

This project is for fun and to improve my skills as an artist/writer. Updates will happen at a pace of sorts. 

I'm working on the Work Cited: I do not own the backgrounds or digimon Property, however custom digimon and people are made by me. I make no money for this, it is a passion project out of love for Digimon and following a dream to make a Quality digimon series. 

I do not own any of the background images or original digimon stuff. I used some digimon from the wiki page and some free assets around Itch.io. However much of the models and digimon i did design for custom use for this fanfiction only. 

Work Cited: for background images used. 
Designed by Freepik


Digimon_Rangers_Kayden-win32-x64.rar 130 MB

Install instructions

The game was made with Tyrannobuilder just extract and start the file. My knowledge is limited on fixes but it should work like any other program. Let me know if anything is buggy. 

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